Male HRT

Feel the Testosterone

As we age, the natural decline of testosterone and other important hormones begins to decrease. We work with you to help maximize your natural production through proper supplementation or bio-identical hormone therapy.


Better Cognition

Boost Metabolism

Boost Libido

How does it start?

Measuring testosterone levels is a simple blood test that can yield significant information. It is important to measure the bio-available or “free” testosterone in the body. Bound testosterone is ineffective because it is not available to the testosterone receptors throughout the body, thus only ‘free’ testosterone will give you an accurate measurement. Unfortunately, this test is not ordered as often as it should be by most physicians. Low levels of available testosterone are easily treated through a regimen of testosterone hormone weekly injections or daily gels and patches applied directly the skin. For most men, the results are dramatic and immediate.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

in MEN (TRT)

Where menopause occurs in 100% of the female population, at least 30% of men in the United States experience outward symptoms of what is popularly called “male menopause” (diminishing testosterone levels) and the other 70% if closely examined have signs of low testosterone and feel like a “new man” when treated.

Sometimes called “puberty in reverse,” male menopause, “Low T” or Andropause as it is clinically diagnosed– is the period of a man’s life when production of a vital number of hormones – primarily testosterone – begins to decline. Similarly, women experience a reduction in estrogen and progesterone production during menopause. But not everyone buys into the idea that males have their own version of menopause. The public perception is that men of a certain age are having “a mid-life crisis” that will pass eventually.

When does it happen?

Decline usually begins in the 30s but becomes significant by ages 45 – 60, but varies from man to man. There are men who remain virile into their 80s with no visible signs of reduction in the hormone, but this is extremely rare.

Common signs and symptoms of low/diminishing testosterone levels:


  • Diminished libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Muscle wasting, weight gain & decrease in lean body mass
  • General lack of energy
  • Mood swings, depression and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Anemia and osteoporosis in the later stages


It becomes evident from all these possible symptoms that testosterone plays an extensive role in male health beyond just muscle building.

3 Goals of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

1. Alleviate or slow down the symptoms caused by the natural decrease in production of hormones by the body.

2. Give the protective benefits which were originally provided by the naturally occurring hormones

3. Re-establish hormone balance & harmony

As stated above the goal of any Hormone replacement therapy regimen should be to provide an adequate supply of the deficient hormone in the form that is as close as possible to that which the body originally produced, therefore resulting in normal physiologic effects and ultimately symptom free effects.

No single person is alike so it is imperative that you and your physician or medical professional work together to customize BHRT. Bio-identical hormones are compounded by a pharmacist in needed strength and dosage and administered subcutaneously to meet each individuals needs. The precise components of each patient’s response to therapy will need to be determined and considered by us after:


  • Physical examination
  • Medical history
  • Symptoms Experienced
  • Laboratory testing


Close monitoring with your Doll House Anti- Aging Clinic at intervals ranging from every 3 months for 1st year of therapy then 1-2x per year thereafter will be essential to ensure that appropriate dosage adjustments are made.

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